Osmania University College of Engineering

Osmania-University-2-300x162 Osmania_university

The University College of Engineering (UCE) has thdistinction of being the oldest and the biggest among the Engineering Colleges of the State of Andhra Pradesh. Established in the year 1929, eleven years after the formation of Osmania University, it was the 6th Engineering College to be established in the whole of British India. The College moved to its present permanent building in the year 1947. Today it is the biggest among the campus colleges of Osmania University. The Golden Jubilee of the College was celebrated in 1979, the Diamond Jubilee in 1989 and the Platinum Jubilee in 2004. The College was made autonomous in 1994.

Academic Programmes

Undergraduate programmes in Engineering focus on the development of engineering foundations and skills so that the student can be competent when seeking industrial employment and have the requisite background for postgraduate studies. Undergraduate programmes are deemed to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, stimulate the power of thinking, bestow both analytical and experimental abilities, and elicit interest in postgraduate courses. In the context of fostering indigenous industrial development, undergraduate programmes encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship and self-employment, and address problems of industry.

Postgraduate programmes in Engineering prepare students to further their interest and develop skills in specialised areas through courses (in M.E/M.Tech. Degree programmes) as well as by Research (M.S.) The courses aim at providing know-how of the latest developments and techniques in disciplines, and thus enhance their job prospects-employability. They are also aimed at enhancing analytic ability and fostering critical inquiry to be gainfully employed for scientific and technological innovations. Postgraduate programme curricula are designed to raise the industrial technological level, and thereby contribute to national productivity

Doctoral programmes provide opportunities to pursue areas of research interest with a deep sense of satisfaction, to carry out independent investigations, to innovate and invent, and to make a significant contribution to knowledge in specialized areas. Further, doctoral programmes synergetically promote intellectual and creative abilities to address fundamental and practical problems of regional and national relevance to improve the quality-of-life.

Ph.D Programmes are offering in the departments Bio -Medical Engineering,Civil Engineering,Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering,Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

Consultancy is an activity in which the College applies its specialized skills and expertise to solve industrial problems in specific areas. It represents not only a link between the academia and the local community, but is a response to the varying professional needs of the society at large. It is an affirmation of the resolve/commitment of the university to contribute to industrial growth, indigenous industrial development and quality-of-life in communities.


Biomedical Engineering (BME) constitutes human beings earliest efforts to understand the living world in terms of the basic sciences and to comprehend the body mechanism in terms of their technological creations. Biomedical Engineering involves the study and application of engineering processes for diagnosis and therapy. It is a rapidly changing interdisciplinary domain, in which each branch of engineering interacts with a number of other disciplines to yield a fundamental understanding of health maintenance processes and improved diagnosis, optimal interventional (surgical, therapeutic & rehabilitative) procedures, prosthesis and organ assist systems, health care systems performance and econometrics.

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Osmania University is the first University to start Biomedical Engineering at undergraduate level in the country. The course was started in the year 1982 with an intake of 10 students in the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering.  An exclusive Biomedical Engineering Department was formed in the year 1993 to give the much needed thrust to Programme. The student intake was enhanced to 30 in the year 1996.The Department moved to its present premises in the year 1997.
The Department has been engaged in research and consultancy projects. It received research grants from various government agencies such as AICTE; UGC, DST, TEQIP (Phase I & II) etc., The Department established a Biomedical Instrumentation centre (BMIC) to cater to the needs of medical profession. The B.E (BME) programme of the department has been accredited by the NBA for the five years with effect from August 2013. A special appreciation was given by the visiting expert team. The faculty members of the department are also active, effective and acknowledged contributors to UPE project of the UGC. The Department has also started Post Graduate program in Biomedical Electronics in the academic year 2006-2007. The total floor space of 10800 sft. houses class rooms, laboratories and other amenities.

civil engeneering

The University College of Engineering commenced in the year 1929 with an intake of 15 students, and Civil Engineering as the course of study.  The College moved into the present majestic building in the year 1947 with the Department of Civil Engineering;  the College grew from strength to strength and other branches of Engineering commenced later.  It has the distinction of being the sixth oldest engineering institution of the country.

Currently, the Department admits 60 candidates for the Under-Graduate programme and 50 for the Post-Graduate Courses each year, and also  offers part time Post-Graduate courses for the benefit of working Engineers of the twin cities, admitting 45 candidates annually.  The Post-Graduate programmes are offered with specialisation in Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydromechanics & Water Management, and Construction Engineering and Management.  The Department has doctoral programmes as well, and has about 25 candidates enrolled.

The Department provides research and consultancy services to various public and private sector organisations, and receives research and modernisation grants from UGC, DST, MHRD, and AICTE.  The Department has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1979 and Diamond Jubilee in 1989.  The Platinum Jubilee was celebrated in the year 2004 – 2005.

computer science engeneering


The decade of 80s had seen a phenomenal growth in the field of Computer Science & Engineering in India. In tune with the global development, Osmania University also initiated a post graduate programme in Computer Science & Engineering in the year 1981, when the U.G.C. identified the University for its Manpower Development Programme. This program was being conducted at the University Computer Centre.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering came into being in the year 1988. Since then it is offering most sought after courses in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. The department has well qualified staff, Infrastructure and state-of- the- art equipment.

Apart from regular academic work, the department is actively involved in industrial training, consultancy, research and other professional activities. The department has close interaction with software development firms and R&D establishments

Electrical engeneering  The Department of Electrical Engineering started in 1949 to offer B.E in Electrical Engineering. Presently, the Department is offering B.E. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Continuing Education for employed diploma holders was started in 1963 through the four-year Part-Time Degree course in Electrical Engineering; The Post-graduate course in Electrical Machines was started in 1966. Later, in the year 1987, B.E in Instrumentation was offered.
With a view to provide diversity and industrial orientation to the Post Graduate program, currently the Department is offering M.E. courses in Industrial Drives & Control and Power Systems, which were introduced in 1971. Department also offers part time PG courses in Industrial Drives & Control and Power Systems for the working academicians and engineers. A new PG program in Power Electronic Systems is introduced in the year 2008. The Part-Time Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering is being offered since 1972.
The Department has twenty regular faculty members who are highly experienced and actively involved in research activities. The Department is also equipped with state-of-art equipment and well qualified technical staff. Apart from regular academic activities, the Department faculty is involved in various professional activities like publishing their research findings in prestigious conferences and journals, delivering expert lectures at various conferences and important seminars, chairing technical sessions at conferences abroad and reviewing of papers of good quality journals. The department is accredited by NBA for 5 years from year 2013 for BE(EEE) program

Mechanical engeneering

Mechanical Engineering Department was established in the year 1939 at University College of Engineering, Osmania University to offer three year degree course with an initial intake of 50 students. It has since then grown significantly by spreading its academic activities in offering courses at Undergraduate level as well as Post Graduate level. The department faculty is actively involved in guiding research scholars leading to Ph.D. degree.

Currently, each year the department admits 60 students for the Undergraduate programme and 46 for the Post Graduate courses (Production Engineering, Turbomachinery and Automation & Robotics) in regular stream and 30 in part time (Production Engineering and Automation & Robotics) stream. The Department also admits 50 students for Post Graduate courses (CAD/CAM and Tool Design) run in Collaboration with CITD. The Department receives research and modernization grants from UGC, MHRD, AICTE and TEQIP.

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To meet the required Academic standards, quality instruction to students is imparted by the motivated and qualified faculty members providing good academic insights. To provide higher degree of perspective in the concepts of subject content, Computers and Audio- Visual equipment are extensively used. Students are especially trained to meet the current industrial requirements.
In order to keep pace with changing needs of educational standards, the department reviews and revises the course syllabus every year. In the process, the courses underwent many changes over the years thereby making them more relevant to the requirements of higher education, research and industry. The revised curriculum for BE and ME courses includes subjects like   Finite Element Method, Robotic Engineering, Non- Conventional Energy Sources, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Entrepreneurship, Visual Programming ,Computer Aided Modeling & Design, Composite Materials and Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic in addition to conventional subjects.


SBH Extension Counter

The State Bank of Hyderabad Extension Counter in the College premises works from 11:00 am to 2:30 pm on all working days, and from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on Saturdays. In addition to rendering the normal services of any bank, the Extension Counter accepts fees, including exam fee, drafts etc. on behalf of the University. This counter is under renovation so as to give better facilities.


University College of Engineering (A), OU has 3 Boys Hostels Namely Kinnera Hostel (ECH-I), Ganga Hostel and Swarnamukhi Hostel (ECH-II). BE first year & final year students and all the three years MCA students are accommodated in Kinnera (ECH-I), where as BE Second & Third year students are placed at Ganga Hostel. The Swarnamukhi Hostel is meant exclusively for M.E. / M.Tech. Students. All the Girl students can seek admission in the Campus Hostel for Women I, II & III situated on the campus near the University Administrative Building

Health Center

The University has a Health Centre located near the Arts College which caters to the needs of student and staff of Osmania University. It is open from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm on all working days. Working hours on public holidays and second Saturdays are from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm only. It is closed on Sundays.



Osmania University, Hyderabad – 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India

Contact: 91 40 27098254, 91 40 27682384