Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology

cbit_logo_s shruthi


CBIT was established in the year 1979. The institute was initially affiliated to Osmania University, with three undergraduate programmes and an intake of 200 students. By 2014 this has grown to nine undergraduate and seven postgraduate courses with a total intake of 9000 students. It was inaugurated by late Dr.Marri Chenna Reddy. The founder and the first principal of the college was Vundela Malakonda Reddy.

CBIT is the first private engineering college in Telangana region.

One of the milestones for the college was when its students were part of the team involved in the design and successful launch of a satellite, STUDSAT, with the Indian Space Research Organisation. STUDSAT was successfully placed in the orbit and received the first signal on 12 July 2010 at 11:07am IST


CBIT is located at Gandipet near Financial City in Hyderabad.The campus is 25 km from Secunderabad Railway Station and 28 km from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. It is well connected with radial roads and outer ring road (ORR) for an easy access by road.

With a total of 12 blocks in the campus, 8 blocks are assigned to ECE, EEE, CSE, IT, Mechanical, Industrial Production, Civil, Chemical, Bio-Tech, MBA, MCA departments and 4 blocks are for Library, R&D, Physical Education Department(Sports), Cafeteria and Assembly Halls. Apart from blocks, workshop sheds and laboratories are found between the blocks.

All the blocks have well equipped laboratories,workshops and computer centers. Elevators, two staircases and fire safety equipment are also present in all the blocks. WIFI internet service is provided throughout the campus.

A huge library is built up in 18,500 sft with 1,00,000+ volumes, 5000+ e-journals, 100+ print journals. It was inaugurated by Late Dr.Y.S.Rajasekhar Reddy in 2005. It can accomidate 250+ readers at a time.

Training and Placement Office is situated above the cafeteria. Cafeteria is in the middle of the college which provides all kinds of south Indian and north Indian foods. A four storied sports block is located beside the library. Table tennis courts,caroms lounges,gym, indoor badminton stadium,basketball courts,rest rooms for players etc. are there in the block. CBIT has two playgrounds which are used for cricket,football,athletics etc.

A separate building with Post office, Andhra Bank, ATM is there in the campus. Stationary store and Photocopy(XEROX) center are there near the library. CBES hostel is located half a kilometer from the campus. Hostel facilities are available only for boys at Rs. 40,000 per year with 6 people sharing the room in the first year and 4 in the subsequent years. Shuttle buses ply from campus to hostel for hostelers.

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Parking facility to park around 200 cars and 50 buses is available in the campus.Transport facility is available to students and staff with 50 college buses providing services to 5000 students and staff members per day. TSRTC bus stop is located opposite to the campus gate. CBIT- exclusive RTC buses ply between campus and Mehedipatnam. Sharing-auto services are also available to reach campus from Narsingi, Langerhouse.


The college admits Undergraduate and Postgraduate. Undergraduate students are admitted through the state-wide EAMCET examination and Postgraduate students through GATE, ICET which are conducted every year. Apart from EAMCET,GATE,ICET exams students are also admitted through B-Category(selection based on IITJEE,AIEEE,EAMCET ranks) and NRI quota.

CBIT offers under graduation courses in BE and BTech. Bachelor of Engineering (BE) course is for multiple disciplines of ECE, EEE, CSE, IT, Mechanical, Industrial Production, Civil and Bachelor of Technology (BTech) for Chemical and Bio-Tech. Post graduation courses are offered in the streams of ME, MTech, MBA, MCA. The Master of Technology (MTech) course is offered to Computer Science Engineering students. Master of Engineering (ME) courses are offered in other disciplines. The college also offers Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Computer Applications (MCA) courses through its department of management.

Apart from the regular undergraduate program the college also has an International Center (IC-CBIT) that offers a dual degree programs with foreign universities in engineering. Besides it provides the facility for attending various workshops on multi topics which avail students a great opportunity to progress in every opportunity they utilize.


CBIT was ranked 41 in the Outlook India Top Engineering Colleges of 2012 survey.It was ranked 16th in the list of top 50 Private Engineering Colleges of India by Mint, which is India’s second largest business newspaper as well as the official partner of The Wall Street Journal in India. The college was given a score of 514.4/1000 by central technical ranking unit.It has been accredited twice in 1998 and again in 2004 by NBA(AICTE). It is also the first ISO 9001-2000 certified Engineering Institute of AP. The total constructed area is 4,45,467 sq. ft. worth about Rs 25..00 crores spread on 30 acres. The grants received from AICTE are worth about Rs. 1.3 crores. The college offers 9 UG and 7 PG coureses. Brilliant and meritorious candidates with 196 EAMCET rank onwards are seeking admission in CBIT especially in ECE, EEE, CSE, IT, Mechanical Engineering etc. The percentage has also been consistent with 95% on an average. Out of them, 80% of the students are passing either in distinction or in first class

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Co-curricular activities

The IEEE Student Branch (Branch Code STB 31231) of this institute was formed in 1993 in the spirit of providing students resources and contacts needed for the enhancement of their professional development. It provides technical competitions, tours of cutting-edge facilities and a venue to meet and speak with some of the most important working professionals. It is intended to provide a platform for students to display as well as enhance their skills. IEEE membership provides many programs and presents yet another chance for students to stay a step ahead on the path to their chosen fields. The branch hopes to create an environment where all students can learn to effectively develop and use technology both for improving their own career prospects and for the benefit of humanity. It has been conducting regular training programs like group workshops, seminars, contests, industrial visits and a lot more. The student branch has 140 student members from branches of ECE, EEE, CSE, IT.

  • ISTE
  • ASME
  • SAE

Extra-curricular activities


Every year, as part of Shruti, the Inter-Department Fest, an inter-department sports competition is held. Sports in the Fest are basketball, football, cricket, badminton, volleyball, kabadi,handball,throwball and track and field events.There are indoor games too, along with outdoor games like carroms, chess, table tennis etc. There are tournaments held within cbit college and also with other colleges.Thus cbit has excellent focus on sports along with studies.[5]

Student activities

The college holds the cultural fest CARPE DIEM every 2 years, and the inter-department fest, “Shruti” every year. Shruti it is successful participation and cooperation of each and every branch which comes out in flying colours. Each branch has its own tech-fest scheduled at the beginning of each year. Reunion Day for the alumni is held every year on 25 December.[6] Chaitanya Smruti is the alumni association of CBIT, established in 1984. By organizing reunions when past students pay a visit to their alma mater and met their friends, Chaitanya Smruti helps retain the bond between alumni and college. The association has an international chapter in the USA.[7] The association organizes the Reunion and a biennial cultural fest.Many cultural events are organized by Shruthi. Every year workshops,on robotics,ethical hacking etc.,are organized during tech-fest of the respective branches. the college holds the LITERATI every year.It’s a part of comunicando. Today comunicando stands tall,all because of student’s passion and contribution.

NSS unit
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The main activities of NSS unit are Plantation, Blood donation camp, Services at orphanages and old age homes, Road safety, Anti ragging squads, Medical camps in villages, Environmental awareness and programs, Service to physically and mentally challenged people, issue of Voter ID cards to students and staff, First aid training to students and staff, Fire fighting mock drills.CBIT holds extra curricular activities for students not only permitting to studies and bringing their talents out. These helps them to be successful in all fields.Conducting street cause, NSS are meant for, serving the poor in villages by health check up and providing free medicines.Competitions on roa:d safety measures enables for awareness in order to avoid accidents and loss of lives.


Dept. of Cvivil
About IT Department
Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of Physics
BE Production

Contact Us

College Address:
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology,
(Affiliated to Osmania University)

Gandipet, HYDERABAD, India,

PIN: 500075

Phone: +91-040-24193276 Fax: +91-040-24193278


City office:
Chaitanya Bharathi Educational Society(Head Office),
D.No:- 3-5-925/2B, Keshava Memorial High School Lane, Adjacent to Masjid, Narayanguda, Hyderbad Pin:-500029,Andhra Pradesh.

Contact: 040 – 23223300, 040 – 65503276.

Principal:    040-24193276 


                  040-24193278 (Fax) 

Administrative Office : 040-24193280 

Examination Branch   : 040-24193279 

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