Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune

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Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, a highly commendable private institute, occupies a place of pride amongst the premier technical institutes of the western region of India. Established in the year 1983, financed and run by the Bansilal Ramnath Agrawal Charitable Trust, Pune. It is affiliated to the University of Pune . Within two decades, the institute marched towards the pinnacle of glory through its remarkable achievements and laurels in the field of engineering education of high calibre. According to Indian mythology, ‘Vishwakarma’ was a divine architect-engineer. It is believed that He fashioned this world with His rare engineering skill. The Trust adopted this name with a vision to develop engineers of high calibre, who could take up challenges of any type of engineering job and become successfull in the chosen career.

The campus boasts of lush green lawns that provide an ambience and a serene atmosphere of ancient Gurukuls far from the madding crowd. It has got 17.625 acres of land, out of which 7 acres are utilised for academic building area and available built up area for the entire institution is 29,039 sq. mts.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology hereafter called, as ‘The Institute’ is one of the leading autonomous Institutes affiliated to University of Pune. It was started in 1983 with an objective to impart quality technical education for the overall development of students and the latest need of Society in general and Industry in particular.

  • The Institute is running 9 under graduate, 8 post-graduate & 6 Ph.D. Programme which are affiliated to the University of Pune.
  • The Institute worked as “Centre for admission to direct second year after Diploma” for 10 years on behalf of Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai.
  • The Institution got selected under the world bank project TEQIP Phase- I i.e. Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme by Ministry of HRD, New Delhi.
  • The Institution got the award ISO 9001-2008 certified by BSI, India.
  • The Institute has been granted autonomous status since academic year 2008-09.
  • The Institute was accredited (‘A‘ Grade ) by National Board of Accreditation, AICTE, New Delhi from July 2013 for the next five years.
  • Prof. M. R. Khadilkar (1984-1994) & Prof. H. K. Abhyankar (1994-2010) are Ex-Principals of this Institute.

Quality assurance 


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A. National

i.   National Board of Accreditation:

National Board of Accreditation (NBA) was setup by the All India council of Technical Education (AICTE) in 1994 for the purpose of assessment of quality and accreditation of technical programs in India. It is also concerned with accessing and assuring the quality of the various constituents element of the technical institute.

ii.   National Assessment and Accreditation Council

National assessment and accreditation council (NAAC) is an autonomous body established by the University Grant Commission of India (UGC) to assess and accredit institutes of higher education in the country. It has formulated the following core values for its accreditation frame work.

a.Contributing to national development,

b.Fostering global competence among students,

c.Inculcating a value system among students,

d.Prompting the use of technology,

e.Quest for excellence.

B.   International

i. Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology

Accreditation Board of Engineering and technology (ABET) is an assurance that a college or university program meets the quality  standard establish by the profession for which it prepares its students.

ISO 9001:2008


The institute became an ISO certified institute in April 2007. It has helped to identify, standardize and document its work system. The institute has under gone successful continuous assessment visit and recertification visits by external auditor.

Quality management system

The institute is benefited by establishing an effective Quality management system (QMS). It is set of coordinated activities to direct and control the organization, in order to continual improve the effectiveness and efficiently of its performance. The quality management system enables an organization to achieve its goal objective.

 Best practices

                         Provides frame work for assessment and verification of work process related with academics,
teaching learning, examination, library maintenance, student support and progression etc.

Academic Audit

The following aspects are verified during the academic audit

    1. Teaching learning process
    2. Scheme of marking
    3. Compliance with lesson plan
    4. Conduct of courses

B.Assessment Visits

Internal quality assessment visit conducted every semester to verify the adherence to the quality management system procedures. An external continuous  assessment visit is carried out annually



This is an exciting period for the Computer Engineering profession as the rapidly changing technology creates many opportunities and challenges. Department of Computer Engineering is prepared to meet the challenges and is playing a leadership role in shaping the education of the 21st Century by providing unique educational and research opportunities in the forefront of Computer Engineering, Information Technology and their applications.

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The Department of Computer Engineering established in the year 1991 offers UG programs in Computer Engineering and Information Technology along with post graduate programs in Computer Science & Engineering (Information Technology) and Master of Computer Applications (MCA).

The students are focused with the use of conceptual understanding of core domain areas in Computing as well as enhanced programming skills disseminating their analytical abilities. Our aim is to provide our students the lifelong learning and leadership skills that enable them to grow in their professions and advance to positions of responsibility by effective Industry-Institute Interaction. The Department has an excellent placement record and the placed students are in prestigious software industries all over the world.


Department of Electronic Engineering has strong administration, infrastructure and dedicated team of Faculty. Highly meritorious students get admitted to this programme, not only from Maharashtra, but all over India and Abroad.

In addition to core electronic subjects, software based subjects are also included in the syllabus which makes this course suitable for core electronics and many IT industries.
The Department offers two under graduate courses- B.Tech. (Electronics) and B.Tech. (Electronics and Telecommunication), one post graduate course (Electronics and Telecommunication) with specialization in signal processing. We also have Ph.D. centre in Electronics Engineering department. The department caters to the ever increasing needs of technical brilliance in all allied areas of electronics engineering such as Microelectronics, telecommunication, control and automation, power systems and power electronics. There are around 14 well equipped and sufficiently staffed laboratories which includes a PG lab exclusively meant for the research. This lab is linux based and  has many research equipment such as Mentor graphics, spectrum analyzer, digital storage oscilloscopes, high frequency counter, antenna trainer kit, combiscopes, pneumatic trainer kit etc.


Chemical engineering deals with the application of physical science (in particular chemistry and physics) and mathematics to the process of converting raw materials into more useful and valuable forms.

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Chemical engineering largely involves the design and maintenance of chemical processes for large-scale manufacture. The development of the large-scale processes characteristic of industrialized economies is a feat of chemical engineering . Indeed, chemical engineers are responsible for the availability of the modern high-quality materials that are essential for running an industrial economy. Chemical engineering is also concerned with pioneering valuable new materials and techniques, an important form of research and development.

The department of Chemical Engineering at Vishwakarma Institute of Technology was established in the year 1999 .The achievements of the students have been prolific in academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The department headed byDr. Dr. D.S. Bhatkhande along with highly qualified and experienced doctoral staff is engaged actively in enhancing industrially beneficial activities. It is the only recognized R&D center for chemical engineering sciences affiliated to Pune University. The department is developing niches in Biotechnology, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, and Material Science and Technology.


Mechanical Engineering envisages the development, design, manufacturing and maintenance of machinery. The present age demands Mechanical Engineering specialists who have the capacity of adaptability and creativity in the new technical areas. Mechanical Engineers should have knowledge not only in their own specialized fields but also in wide interdisciplinary fields as well. To meet the above requirements Mechanical Engineering department offers the UG course in Mechanical Engineering and post graduate courses in Heat Power Engineering and Design Engineering.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology started undergraduate course in Mechanical Engineering in 1986 and postgraduate course in 1996. The Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering has been introduced from the academic year 2005-06. The department has well qualified and dedicated faculty and is known for its high academic standard, well-maintained discipline and complete infrastructure facilities.
The Department has Center of Excellence in the field of (i) Energy & Environmental Studies (ii) Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM).
The Department has maintained a good rapport with Industry and R & D organizations. The Department has students’ chapter of SAE .
Students section
Maintenance section
Central library
Staff welfare
contact Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
666, Upper Indiranagar, Bibwewadi,
Pune, Maharashtra,
INDIA – 411

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