A Glance Of Odisha
The capital city is getting a facelift. The industrial projects worth more than Rs. 1.5 lakh crore is in the pipeline.
Presently, the city’s population has already crossed 20 lakhs and it is growing by leaps and bounds.
State Government’s top priority, today is to improve infrastructure to lure to more investors. The 17.7 kilometers, six lane road at the cost of 25.5 crore from Aerodrome to Infocity has been completed. This will remove congestion of traffic to institutional areas and bring relief to the information technology companies situated in the Infocity. T
he State capital authorities are giving top priority to widen and improve the 493km main road network. The State Government has already signed a MOU with IIT, Kharagpur to prepare a comprehensive development plan. There is a plan to establish a state of art satellite township on the out-skirts of the city. Within next 2-3 years the face of the Capital will have a new look and lustre.
Odisha, as a state, is taking giant strides on the road to progress and prosperity shading its image of impoverished state ravaged by poverty and poor masses. It is priming for a great economic leap forward with several industries set to go on stream in the next few months. At the top is the POSCO agreement, which at $54 billion stands as India’s biggest FDI.
Number of commitments and memos pledging more than 150,000 crores to the state, nearly 20 will go on production mode by 2006. Nearly half a dozen proposals in steel sector is waiting for a final nod, opening new bays of employment and boost in service Industry.
Odisha is also endowed with a colossal quantum of mineral wealth. The state boasts of 26 % of India’s iron ore reserves and 90 % and 70 % respectively of country’s chrome and bauxite deposits.
With this the State has vast area of thick forest cover, stretching along side of 480 km long virgin sea beach adding to its natural beauty with Flora and Fauna.
Such natural riches are waiting just for their transformation to the benefit of majority of people of the state. In short, there is plenty of opportunity for growth and development in the entire sphere of business including manufacturing and service sectors, like transport, travel, tourism, housing, technical, information technology etc.
The State is just a right and rendezvous destination for young, knowledgeable, energetic and enthusiastic aspirants looking for bright and blooming career.
Eligibility |
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Graduation/equivalent to– in any discipline having 50% agreegate marks in Qualifying Exam from a recognized University |
JEE – Conducted by the Chairman OJEE, Govt. Of Odisha |
Qualified in any of the recognized National Level Entrance Examination like: MAT, C-MAT, CAT, XAT etc |
Admission Procedure |
For JEE Candidates : Successful JEE rank holders should give their option to RCEM in JEE counseling which will be conducted by Chairman JEE, Govt. of Odisha. |
For MAT/C-MAT, XMAT/CAT for JEE candidates: Based on merit list received from Nationl Level Test agencies, candidates are called for group discussion and interview. |
Selected students will be eligible to attend Group Discussion and Interview conducted by a committee of senior Faculty Members and basing on selection a merit List Is prepared. Candidates, who secure 50% and above in Merit rating, are considered and admitted in order of merit as per availability of seats, after personal interview.
Course Fee |

Besides the above stated college course fee, a student has to pay the University fees towards Registration, Examination and insurance etc.
What are the Top Placement Offers received by the Institute?
FacultyThe survival and effectiveness of higher educational institution is linked with capability and competence of teachers. Their output is educated students who in turn must be able to serve the society.In order to serve the society in general and the employees in particular, these student managers need to be competent and skilled to be able to perform their jobs as expected of them.
A beautiful college building, congenial atmosphere, well furnished classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, developed Language Lab, well stocked Library, teaching devices are of little use by themselves if they are not supplemented by strong and sincere faculty. Keeping this in view, the College follows a systematic procedure to select the most deserving and committed academicians, professionals and practitioners from Industry and Business as faculty. The following, step-wise procedure is followed for selection of faculties:- Advertisement in the newspaper having wide circulation
Scrutiny of applications.
Interview by high power committee having representative of Industry, University and State Govt.
Minutes of interview proceedings.
Issue of appointment letters.
College always keeps in view the indicators of quality teaching, like teacher -student ratio, modes of teaching and its participatory character, regularity of classes, positive feedback by students, completion of syllabus, regular and continuous feedback, transparency in evaluation etc. The College maintains teacher student ratio as prescribed by AICTE i.e 1:15 The College maintains a mix of permanent, visiting and guest faculties.
Address Rajdhani College of Engineering & Management Plot No. 18, Sector-A, Zone-B/Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar – 751010, Odisha, India Ph : 0674-2580831, 2587477, 09861152922 (M) Fax : 0674-2585255 E-mail : rcemindia@rediffmail.com
Visit us at : www.rcemorissa.org |