With no external support and no godfather, the school rose to heights and crossed several milestones year after year. A secondary school was set-up for Socio-Economic Backward children in 1992 followed by the school’s secondary branch in 1996. It then moved into a small campus with 350 children. Soon the quality of education, individual attention to students saw the numbers rise each year. It was only in 2005, the school took a giant leap by opening the Senior Secondary branch which saw the enrollment of 35 students in its first year. Following that, ODM became the first +2 CBSE residential school in Odisha, when it first introduced residential facilities for Senior Secondary Science students. The School has witnessed its evolution from a small building to a sprawling campus spread on 4 acres of land with 5 main blocks, from 10 students to a whooping 3500, from 2 teaching faculties to a fleet of 300+ staff. In years to come, it will definitely target the pinnacle of success by imparting qualitative education to inspire and change lives.
For further information visit http://www.odmps.org
Sishu Vihar, Infocity Road, Bhubaneswar-751024