IHMP Institute of Health Management Pachod (IHMP) is registered under the name of Ashish Gram Rachna Trust (BPT Act-1950, Registration No. E249, Registration date 17th March 1979). Ashish Gram Rachna Trust has established the Institute of Health Management at Pachod (IHMP) to implement its programmes of health and development in rural areas and urban slums of Maharashtra. All programmes and activities of AGRT are implemented through its executive body, IHMP. The Pune Centre constitutes the Institute’s urban branch.
The IHMP Institute of Health Management Pachod (IHMP) aims at the holistic development of the individual, family and community and is deeply committed to the upliftment of marginalised groups. Within the broad mandate of reaching the most disadvantaged groups, it strives towards the health and development of women and children. The Institute implements its programmes through organising and mobilising communities toward self-reliance and sustainability. Organising children and adolescents is a part of this mandate, which has been operationalised as health and development programmes for children, implemented by them and through them.
Contact Persons:
Dr. A. Dyalchand (Director) Tel: +91-2431-221382
Ms. Manisha Khale (Associate Director) Tel: +91-2431-221416
Ashish Gram Rachna Trust
Institute of Health Management Pachod (IHMP)
Pachod, Dist. Aurangabad 431 121
Maharashtra, India
Fax: +91-2431-221331
Email: ihmpp_agd@sancharnet.in, ihmp@vsnl.com