A.C.Patil College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai


Gifted with a rich heritage offered by illustrious visionaries,ACPCE aspires to provide its students and faculty a technologically up-to-date & state of the art and intellectually inspiring environment of scholorship, research, creativity, innovative and proffessional activities, by combining convectional engineering with latest The institute is Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, Directorate of Technical Education Maharashtra state & Affiliated to University of Mumbai


A. C. Patil College of Engineering has started B. E. degree level programe in Computer Engineering from 2001 & Master level (M E) from 2011 under the affilation of University of Mumbai  which includes Internet applications and design, besides the traditional opportunities in computer engineering career. Web applications require enormous knowledge of several components like web servers, use of web application tools besides OOPS concept and JAVA, which is considered to be the de-facto language of the future. Have greater opportunities in software development because of their excellent knowledge in Internet Science. In the future, IT industry will purely depend on information technologist. Information Technologist will have great opportunities in future in the field of software development and computer communication.

  • To Create the Technology Learning Experience so as to enable its appropriate deployment in society.
  • To create the Excellence and Ambience needed to leverage this search into Engineering and Technology for Societal benefits.
  • To inject the element of joy and curiosity into Learning and Teaching.

Department of Electronics Engineering

A. C. Patil College of Engineering has started B. E. degree level program in Electronics Engineering under Mumbai University from 1992.

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This Department is established in the year of 1992 with initial intake of 60. The department Labs are equiped with the state-of-art equipments and has well qualified faculty with various super specializations to meet the requirements of students. The department has all modern facilities, Windows-XP and Linux servers. It is also connected to the Institute LAN for internet access using broad band internet line.

All the laboratory faciclities are regularly updated as per requirement of revised syllabus.

Department of Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering

Department of Electronic and Telecommunication is established in the year of 2002 with initial intake of 60 and is subsequentlly increased to 120 from the academic year 2007-08. This department is equiped with the state-of-art equipments and has well qualified faculty with various super specializations to meet the requirements of our students. The department has all modern/networking facilities (LAN) with Novel Netware, Windows-NT and Linux servers. It is also connected to the Institute LAN for internet access using broad band internet line to access various on line Tech. Journals.

It is the Mission of the Department to develop in its students, in innovative engineering skills necessary to keep pace with the rapidly advancing Electronics and Telecommunications industry

Department of Instrumentation Engineering

Vision: To create proactive, noble personalities and integrated individuals who will use their knowledge and be fully engaged in the field of Instrumentation.

Mission: The Department of Instrumentation Engineering strives to provide superior education for students to develop critical, analytical, and imaginative thinking to enter the workplace with confidence, to move beyond entry-level jobs, and to pursue lifelong learning, so as to contribute towards the betterment of society

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Department of Instrumentation Engineering

Vision: To create proactive, noble personalities and integrated individuals who will use their knowledge and be fully engaged in the field of Instrumentation.

Mission: The Department of Instrumentation Engineering strives to provide superior education for students to develop critical, analytical, and imaginative thinking to enter the workplace with confidence, to move beyond entry-level jobs, and to pursue lifelong learning, so as to contribute towards the betterment of society

Training Cell

Education, to us, means training a student academically, socially & morally, so as to create an individual qualified to serve the society. We therefore lay emphasis on overall personality development of our students. We try to hone their communication and presentation skills, and disseminate information through departmental news letters. We have very active student associations in every department as well as various student chapters of international technical associations like IETE, ISA, IEEE etc. in order to keep abreast of changing technology. We invite stalwarts from various fields to share their experience with our students. we also enjoy the status of being a sub-center for IETE in Navi Mumbai. Our Alumni Association bridges the gap between the industry and institute. Our regular meets of senior passed out students provide a platform for exchange of industrial requirements & information. These well established alumni share their experience and knowledge with the institute. They also act as a resource persons for our training and placement activities

Placement Cell

156 students are placed out of which 80 students were placed before the final exams!!! We arrange our students to visit reputed industries like MTNL, VSNL, Siemens among many others well known names. Apart from the industrial visits our students carry out projects for reputed organisations like BARC, TIFR, NOCIL, RCF, Reliance etc. Our vast repertoire of co-curricular activities, ranging from sports to music and extremely popular Intercollegiate Technical Festival ‘VECTORS’ bring out the lesser known talents in our students, so that they mature into well rounded personalities besides excelling in academics.

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contact Phone: (022) 27745722 , 27745732 , 65252101 , 02
A. C. Patil College of Engineering
Sect-4, Kahrghar, Navi-Mumbai 410210
E-mail: principal@acpce.org  acpce.org

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