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International Standing and Accolades: Case for special status by the Government
The Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) Mumbai was established as the Department of Chemical Technology on 1st October, 1933 by the University of Mumbai, through active support of industries and philanthropists. The Institute was most popularly known as UDCT, Mumbai. Research has been an integral part of ICT since its inception and it has created over 500 first generation entrepreneurs. The UDCT grew significantly in stature and was granted autonomy under UGC regulations by the University of Mumbai and further converted in to an Institute on 26th January, 2002. Under the World Bank TEQIP programme, the Maharashtra government granted it full autonomy in June 2004. Due to the recommendations of the Government of Maharashtra and University of Mumbai, the ICT was granted Deemed University Status by the MHRD on 12th September, 2008, with all provisions of the UGC for funding and support as the state owned deemed university.

It was about 80 years ago that the Textile Industry was progressing in-full swing in city like Mumbai, and Ahmedabad. Many other industries were not even born, in that pre-independence era. It was the time, Sir Vitthal Chandavarkar was V.C. of University of Mumbai and also the Chairman of Mill Owners` Association. He and his industrialists friends donated 200 lakhs for creation of an educational and research institute catering to the need of Textile industry and that’s how this UDCT, then called as University Department of Chemical Technology, under the wings of Mumbai University, was established with two disciplines: Textile Chemistry and Chemical Engineering offering a 2 year Degree course post B.Sc. chemistry, called as B.Sc.Tech.

Welcome to Deartment of Food Engineering and Technology

  The year 2012-13 began on a good note and witnessed the continuing progress in research and development in the Food Engineering and TechnologyDepartment (FETD) as well as good campus placement encompassing national, international and multinational companies. Many of these companies have come year after year to recruit our graduates from all streams of learning. It is a matter of great satisfaction and pride to all faculty members in FETD that the training imparted to the students at all levels is able to meet the industry requirement in the emerging areas of food science and technology. The interdisciplinary masters program in food biotechnology has picked up very well. This year, we have also begun a new Ph.D program in food science to attract students from diverse backgrounds and explore newer areas of research which were hitherto not addressed in FETD. In spite of just 5 full time faculty members in FETD (we have 3 vacant positions), our productivity is impressive. It is a matter of pride for us to let you know that this year 5 fellows completed their doctoral degree, 20 completed masters and 16 students were awarded B.Tech degree. During the year, 54 international research papers were published and 1 patent was filed. Currently there are 63 PhD fellows and 45 M.Tech students working in the Department.
  The FETD was established in then UDCT in 1943 offering Bachelor of Science (Tech) in chemistry of foods and drugs. Later in 1949, a full-fledged B.Sc Tech. degree course in Food Technology was started. In 1963, again for the first time in the country, masters program in fermentation technology was initiated and the department was christened ‘Food and Fermentation Technology Department’. In the 21st Century, after aligning all the graduate programs as 12+ 4 pattern, the department has focused on engineering as well. To keep up with the present times, the course in fermentation technology has been restructured as food biotechnology.

Department of Chemical Engineering

It has been very productive year for the Department of Chemical Engineering. I am pleased to state that the tradition of a large number of quality publications in international journals was continued this year. The chemical engineering faculty members published 124 papers in International refereed journals, presented 28 papers in National and International conferences and 36 invited lectures were delivered in industry, symposia, and workshops. The faculty members of the Department received very prestigious awards and recognitions for their contributions to the profession. Professor G. D. Yadav received the fellowship of Royal Society of Chemistry and also honoured by Khosla National Award, IIT-Roorkee, and Goyal Prize for Applied Sciences, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.



Hostel accommodation on the ICT campus used to be a privilege in the past. Hostel No. 1, which is popularly called the Old Hostel, was built in 1951, as University and Birla Hostel, with provision of accommodation for students of all departments of the University of Mumbai. Students admitted on All India basis were given preference. In 1966, The so-called New Hostel (now Hostel No. 2) was built for accommodating UG and research students; however, the capacity was still inadequate. In 1987, a Joint Hostel (now Hostel No.3) was built to accommodate both ICT and JJ School of Architecture, which was exclusively reserved for ICT students in mid-1990s.. There was no hostel facility for girls whatsoever. During mid-1990s, a 66-seater girl’s hostel (now Hostel No. 4) was built. Hostel No. 5, a 7-storey building for 352 students was built during early 2000s and occupied in 2005. The hostel surroundings and grounds were beautified during 2007-9 and Hostel No. 2 was reserved for girls. In view of growing number of lady students, the hostels were renovated and hostels were reallocated. Now Hostel No. 1, 4, and 5 accommodate boys whereas Hostels 2 and 3 girls.
Allocation of Hostels

  • Hostel No. 1, 4, and 5 are allotted to boys. Hostel No. 4 is only for 1st year students. Hostel No. 2 and 3 are only for ladies. All hostels are unaided and maintained by the Institute
  • The total number of hostel accommodation seats available for the students at the ICT is nearly 840 (for all courses and years) including lady students.
  • Total number of seats available for fresh admissions is about 200 per year, which includes all Undergraduates, Master’s and Doctoral students (of all courses about 55 girls, 145 boys), out of which seats available for the first year UG admissions (B.Chem.Eng., B.Pharm. and B.Tech.) is limited to only 30 girls and 66 boys.
  • Accommodation in hostels cannot be guaranteed to all candidates, who are advised to verify personally by contacting the hostel office. (Phone:91-22-24140867, Time:9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.) email:
  • Admission will be offered on ‘first come- first served” basis. Preference is given to out-station students who come from places beyond Mumbai and suburbs (i.e, beyond Virar, Titwala, Ambarnath and Panvel) are eligible for hostel accommodation. As a proof of stay beyond Mumbai and suburbs, they are required to submit certified copies of ration card and school-leaving certificate. Any false representation in this regard will be strictly dealt with.
  • Prescribed application form for accommodation to hostels may be obtained from the Institute Office. The Master’s and Doctoral students are required to submit their applications through the heads of the concerned departments. The completed application forms should be submitted to the Head Warden, ICT Hostels at the ‘Central Hostel Office’ in Hostel No.5.
    The Hostel Office will advise aspirant students if a seat can be allotted to him/her. Once a seat is offered, the payment of charges should be done in two modes –common charges and accommodation fees.

    • Common Charges (as per section 15.3.2 below) should be paid by a Demand Draft/Banker’s cheque ( drawn in favour of : ‘Warden, ICT Hostels’ payable at Mumbai) at the Hostel Office and a receipt for the same should be procured. The student should then submit personally the form and fees, with proper remarks of the hostel authorities to the Accounts Section located in the Main Building of the institute.
    • Accommodation Fees (as per 15.3.1 below) should be paid by Demand Draft/Bankers cheque (drawn in favour of ‘Director, ICT’ Payable at Mumbai).
    • The hostel form should then be submitted to the Hostel Office along with a copy of the receipt for Accommodation Fees from the Accounts Section.

Hostel Fees

It is mandatory that all the new entrants to the hostels get their hostel admission forms signed by the Student’s Counselor – Prof. (Ms) Rita Doctor, whose office is located on the first floor, Godrej Students Centre) (Tel No. 33611351) within a short time after joining the hostel.


Training and Placement Cell

The Training and Placement Cell was started by Vice Chancellor, Prof. G. D. Yadav in 2010 to organize all the placement and training activities at a central place. It is supported by UAA (UDCT Alumni Association). The cell is headed by Dr V. K. Rathod (Department of Chemical Engineering


MUMBAI, INDIA – 400019

(Deemed University under section 3 of UGC Act 1956 Estd. 1933. NBA, Accrediated, Grade ‘A’ by MHRD University Par Excellence. Elite Status  Near Don Bosco School, Opp Khalsa College, Nathalal Parekh Marg, Matunga, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400019
022 3361 2222

See also  Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, Mumbai