Ethiraj College for Women Admissions



Details of courses  and Ethiraj College for Women Admissions

Department Courses Eligibility Criteria
      B.A Economics(aided)
      B.A Business Economics(self supporting)
Eligibility for B. A. : +2 passed candidate with humanities/business studies/science/ vocational
      M.A Economics(aided)
    M. Phil and Ph. D(aided)
Eligibility for M. A. Economics: Graduates of Economics, business Economics and corporate Economics
Eligibility for M A Business Economics :Graduates in commerce, corporate Secreteryship, BBM, BBA, B. Sc mathematics and B. Sc statistics
      B. A English Literature(aided and self supporting)
    B.A Communication Skills(self supporting)
Eligibility for B. A.: +2 passed Candidates from all discipline with a strong grounding in the English Language
    M. A. English, M. Phil and Ph. D(aided)
Eligibility for M A: Graduates from any Discipline
    B. A, M.A, M. Phil and Ph.D programmes in History (aided)
Eligibility for B. A.: +2 passed candidates with any subject combination
Eligibility for M A.: Graduates from any Discipline
Tourism and Travel Management
    B. A, Tourism and Travel Management (aided)
Eligibility for B. A. Tourism and Travel management: +2 passed candidates with any subject combination
Corporate Secretaryship
    B.Com(corporate Secreteryship)-(aided and self supporting)
Eligibility for B. Com.: +2 passed candidates with accountancy, commerce/business studies, economics/computer science, statistics/business mathematics Secreteryship)-(self supporting)
    M. Phil (aided)
Eligibility for M. Com.: who have passed B. Com(corporate Secretaryship), B. Com, B.B. A, B.B.M/ any graduate with commerce or accounts as allied subject may apply
    B. Com(general)- aided & self supporting streams
Eligibility for B. Com.: +2 passed candidates with accountancy, commerce/ business studies, economics/computer science, statistics/business mathematics
      M.Com (self supporting)
    M. Phil &Ph. D(aided)
Eligibility for M. Com: Undergraduates in commerce, corporate Secretaryship, B.B.A, B.B.M may apply
Advanced Zoology an Biotechnology
    B. Sc Advanced Zoology and biotechnology (aided)
Eligibility for UG : +2 passed candidates with Biology/Zoology/Botany and chemistry may apply
      M. Sc Zoology (aided)
    M. Phil and Ph. D(aided)
Eligibility for PG: Students with B. Sc degree in zoology or advanced zoology may apply
    B. Sc. Chemistry (aided)
Eligibility for B. Sc.: +2 passed candidates with mathematics/ biology/ botany/ zoology, physics and chemistry may apply
    M. Sc Chemistry (aided)
Eligibility for M. Sc.: students who have passed in B. Sc chemistry may apply
    B. Sc Mathematics (aided and self supporting)
Eligibility for B. Sc.(aided): +2 passed candidates with general mathematics as a subject in science stream
Eligibility for B. Sc.(self supporting): +2 passed candidates with general mathematics may apply
      M. Sc Mathematics(self supporting)
    M. Phil and Ph. D (aided)
Eligibility for M. Sc.: Candidates who have completed B. Sc Mathematics
Nutrition FSM and Dietetics
      B. Sc Nutrition , FSM and Dietetics (aided)
    B. Sc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics (self supporting)
Eligibility for B. Sc.: +2 passed candidates with biology and chemistry may apply
      M. Sc Foods and Nutrition (self supporting)
    M. Phil(aided)
Eligibility for M .Sc.: B. Sc. students with B. Sc nutrition and Dietetics may apply
    B. Sc Physics (aided)
Eligibility for B. Sc.: +2 passed candidates with math , physics and chemistry may apply
      M. Sc Physics (aided)
    M. Phil(aided)
Eligibility for M. Sc.: B. Sc. Physics with math, chemistry as allied subject
Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology
    B. Sc Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology (aided)
Eligibility for B. Sc.: +2 passed candidates with a subject combination of biology, zoology and chemistry or biology and chemistry or biochemistry and chemistry may apply
      M. Sc Plant Biology and Plant Technology (self supporting)
    M. Phil (aided)
Eligibility for M. Sc.: Undergraduates of botany or plant biology and plant biotechnology may apply
Human rights & Duties Education
Eligibility for M. A.: Undergraduates from any discipline(arts,science,commerce)
    M. A., M. Phil and Ph. D (aided)
Eligibility for M. A.: Undergraduates with B.A Tamil may apply
Bachelors in Business Administration(B.B.A)
    B. B. A (self supporting)
Eligibility for B.B.A.:+2 passed candidates with a subject combination of commerce, accountancy, math/ statistics may apply
Bank Management(B.B.M)
    B. Com(B M) (self supporting)
Eligibility: +2 passed candidates with a accountancy, commerce, business studies, economics/computer science, statistics/business mathematics may apply
    B. Sc Biochemistry (self supporting)
Eligibility for B. Sc.: +2 passed candidates with biology or botany/ zoology, chemistry microbiology biochemistry with or without maths
    M. Sc Biochemistry (self supporting)
Eligibility for M.Sc.: B.Sc. Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Life science, Nutrition and Dietetics
Computer Science
    B. Sc Computer Science (self supporting)
Eligibility: +2 passed candidates with maths/business mathematics may apply
    B.Sc Microbiology (Self supporting)
Eligibility for UG: +2 passed candidates with biology or botany/zoology or botany may apply.
    M.Sc Applied Microbiology (self supporting)
Eligibility for PG: Candidates with degree in microbiology , zoology or botany may apply.
    B. Sc Psychology (self supporting)
Eligibility: +2 passed candidates of any stream may apply. Preference will be given to science students with biology
Visual Communication
    B. Sc Visual Communication (self supporting)
Eligibility: +2 passed candidates with science/ humanities/ commerce may apply. Admission will be based on a common entrance test, comprising of drawing and written components. The candidates should bring their drawing and written material charts , poster colors, brushes and paper

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